Phase 2 - Prepare

Phase 2 - Prepare

In this phase, we recommend entering discussions with an investor, and it’s time to get your house in order ahead of delivery. Delivering the SIB will require rigorous data management and performance measurement, and you’ll need to be confident that your team will perform well in such an outcomes-focused environment.  Invest in systems and in people and be prepared to review, support and develop them, throughout the SIB delivery period and beyond.

This phase will most likely overlap with Phase 3 - Contract; as you are preparing your internal organisation, you will be developing your relationships.

Tools Referenced in Phase 2

Investor Discussion Template
Contributed by TSAP

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This tool will help you to keep track of the nature, approach and fit of the investors you are talking to. It offers 15 areas to investigate during your discussions.

SIB Project Plan
Contributed by Numbers for Good

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This is a template plan for developing a SIB, in Gantt Chart format with a Red/Amber/Green/Blue status column to help you track progress. The tasks, people and timescales can all be customised, by agreement with your project team.

Next: 2.1 Consider hiring an intermediary