Phase 4 - Deliver

Phase 4 - Deliver

This section focuses first on designing a performance management system, including the gathering of data and evidence needed to claim outcomes, and then on implementing that system. The often neglected element is putting in place feedback mechanisms to make sure delivery is agile and responsive. If you only have a few months or years to succeed in claiming outcomes to get paid, it helps to make sure that you welcome suggestions and act fast to make changes.

This section stresses the necessity of involving delivery staff and managers in everything you design and do during delivery. A disconnect between the leadership and the front line would be a highly detrimental organisational legacy for a SIB to leave.

Involving and welcoming input from the board is just as crucial. This section offers practical ideas on troubleshooting and adapting from past experience of SIB governance

Tools Referenced in Phase 4

Example Detailed Service Delivery Tracker
Contributed by ThinkForward

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An example of an Excel tool that tracks participation and outcomes in detail.

Example Board Dashboard
Contributed by ThinkForward

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An example of a PowerPoint deck which summarises participation, activities and outcomes information incorporated in a front line tracker, at board-level detail.

Performance Dashboard Template
Contributed by Tony Munton, The Right to Know

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An example of an Excel dashboard which summarises outline performance data, with more narrative, notes and lessons learned.

Sample Agenda for Board Meeting
Contributed by ThinkForward

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A sample agenda for an SPV board meeting including regular agenda items, operational updates and compliance logs.

Self Assessment Tool
Contributed by The Matrix Standard

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Before quality assurance can take place, the delivery team needs to be clear ‘what good looks like’. Staff, ideally in partnership with beneficiaries, need to define quality markers. For example, a certain workshop needs to be delivered with empathy, with energy, and in a safe space. Everyone needs to be aware of these markers and the fact that they will be monitored. Look at accredited standards for your sector, like the Matrix quality standards, for inspiration.

Quality Assurance Activities
Contributed by Maximus

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This tool offers the building blocks for a Quality Assurance Framework. It proposes tiered quality assurance activities at different levels within an organisation, and the elements for a framework to surround them.

Sample Quality Assurance Calendar
Contributed by Maximus

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This is one example of an intermediary organisation’s quality calendar, and gives an idea of what happens daily, weekly, monthly and annually to ensure a high quality of delivery.

Next: 4.1 Gather data and evidence