Overview of SIB Delivery

Overview of SIB Delivery

SIBs tend to be multi-year arrangements with little or no break provision.  While this – and the need to provide an investor return – adds pressure, it also gives providers the time to really fine-tune their programme and their impact.

In delivering a SIB, some providers relished the opportunities to:

  • Collaborate in ways they have never done before, and learn from their partners and intermediaries
  • Hugely expand their reach and impact
  • Prove their credentials as a high performance organisation

Some struggled with the need to:

  • Support staff through increased administrative burdens
  • Answer to third parties, reporting more regularly and intensively to intermediaries and funders
  • Keep a close eye on tough success criteria and narrow financial margins

Is it worth it?

Delivering a SIB can be stretching for a small organisation or a new programme. We asked two providers whether they felt the hard work had been worth it:

Delivering a SIB - 'is it worth it' quotes?


Our SIB: the highs and lows

Early SIB Provider


  • Seeing unprecedented commitment from local partners for referral pathways

  • Working with our pick of social investors (we had pitched to several and they all wanted to invest!)

  • Seeing unprecedented commitment from local partners for referral pathways

  • Working with a committed group of people to deliver the service as originally designed and enabling our young people to achieve those outcomes

  • Having an independent chair throughout and a consultant for the first year; both these roles were pivotal in helping the partnership maintain focus, work through differences and hold each other accountable for performance.

  • Being the delivery partner to achieve the highest outcomes overall


  • Being put on a performance improvement plan at the start of the project

  • Experiencing an intense level of scrutiny and management reporting

  • Overcoming partnership challenges

  • Being unsure on number of occasions whether we were going to be able to deliver on target. Each time, we regrouped and committed to removing the barriers – for example, investing in an administrator for our partners, agreeing incentives for participants, etc.

Next: Phase 4 - Deliver