Phase 2 - Prepare

Phase 2 checklist

Have you completed Phase 2? If the answer to any of these questions is ‘no’, you might want to revisit the highlighted sections of the toolkit and explore the suggested tools.


  1. Are you aware of organisations that support SIB development, including intermediaries?  Are you aware of grants that may help finance the preparation phase?
  2. Have you identified investors who share your vision and values, and may be willing to finance the programme?  
  3. Do you know what to expect when meeting an investor for the first time?
  4. Are you aware of the full scope of materials you will need to present during the due diligence stage, should you all agree to proceed?  
  5. Are you aware of IT system requirements to handle the rigour of monitoring and reporting?  Does your current IT system have this capacity?  Do you have staff to upgrade the system, if required?  
  6. Is your board fully supportive of the proposals? Have you got a plan for involving them in the future governance of the SIB?
  7. Is your staff on board with the requirements, and have you planned in detail staff resources and objectives?
Next: Phase 3 - Contract