Phase 2 - Prepare

2.3 Get your board on board

There may be work to do to convince a board of Trustees to support engagement in a SIB programme. In forming a case, it can help to draw from the material that you prepare for the investor. In addition, you may need to prepare the following for your board:

  • Risk analysis
    • Show potential financial losses or gains
    • Suggest how much risk you are prepared to take on
  • Case for pursuing the SIB for this intervention
    • Show pros/cons vs other methods of financing
  • Background on potential partners
    • Expertise, capability, and relationship with all stakeholders you propose as partners
  • Suggested role for the board
    • To make this a success, what could you ask the board to do?

Later in the contracting process, you will develop a governance structure – perhaps, setting up a governing committee or establishing an official SPV board – to oversee the SIB. At least one trustee from the service provider’s own board are likely to be on this.


Next: 2.4 Prepare for due dilligence