Phase 3 - Contract

3.3 Consider partnering with others to deliver

Consider developing partnerships with other delivery organisations who may make the programme possible by adding expertise, geography, relationships. There are lots of good reasons for doing so – not least:

  • In some SIBs, investors have been willing to fund only above a certain level (£1m) because of the transaction and development costs, so providers need to band together in a consortium to build the capacity necessary to deliver at this scale
  • In other cases, commissioners would only be interested if the programme addressed the problem through a unique combination of services, or across many geographies

Think about engaging with other service providers (both national and local) to find ways to work together and create an innovative intervention that gets at the root cause of the problem by leveraging everyone’s unique strengths.


Case study : St Mungo's and Thames Reach

The London Homelessness SIB was launched in November 2012 and targeted 831 entrenched rough sleepers. 

The Borough of Westminster is a shared area given its centrality and number of rough sleepers. St Mungo’s and Thames Reach partnered to deliver this intervention to a matched half of the cohort, split according to a range of support needs and by the borough where each individual was last seen sleeping.

The partners took a flexible approach that helped them to achieve long-term positive outcomes.


Next: 3.4 Develop a stakeholder management strategy