1 Part one 2 Part two 3 Part three

Part 1: Could a SIB be right for your mindset?

These questions explore whether you and your organisation would be comfortable with the ways of working that a SIB imposes.

All SIBs have payment by results at their heart.

There are various ways of contracting for investor returns, including involving only parties which will re-invest any return back into philanthropic activities.

The cashflow of a SIB depends on the claiming of outcomes to schedule. If this does not happen, an agile approach can be needed to improve performance.

SIB investors, and even commissioners, can be used to a more interventionist style of contract management than providers. Further discussion will be needed up front to close this gap.

Ensure that you are comfortable with the structure and ways of working that a SIB requires before proceeding to the next part of the quiz.